Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This post does not make overmuch sense

                It seems that the only time I write in my blog is when their are more important things I should be doing.  Actually that explains a lot come to think of it.  Including the  leprechaun   tied up in one of my friend's closets. She apparently thinks that they will take off the curse of the pot of gold that she found nearby when she happened upon him and mugged him. I am not sure how well this escapade will work. I mean holding him for ransom may just make them angrier.
             My problem is  whenever I try to point the flaws with her plan she will point out that I happen to belong to a Fair Folk  Assassin Guild. Which is hardly a just accusation since I do not actually belong to the guild. I am just friends with a few of the leaders. I have just done them a few favors (they have done me a few by taking down some of the  more prominent award money offered for my capture). But they still owe me since I did rid the world of a certain repulsive sparkly vampire. Which act of service they are duly grateful for.... Ummm... Did I just write that?

   . . . . See what happens when you study too long? Your mind starts going!! Mothers protect your Children!!! Just say no to school.  Yes I have cracked in case you  where wondering.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Hello More about American Literature

          I remember reading Hawthorne's House of Seven Gables. I loved at the time. Probably because it had to do with the psychology of the characters.  I was excited for it remembering how much I really had liked it. I mean I did not particularly care for the The Scarlet Letter. But I really had enjoyed that one.
          Well as I mentioned before I had been almost excited for it. I hate to say it but it came with as big a disappointment  about as reading The Deerslayer again (that was a book I had absolutely loved as a child). I mean Hawthorne's book was of a fairly substantial size with about as much plot as the average short story. he characters where, without being amazing, where interesting. But the overall story was overtly dramatic at many points. So much so that I had to laugh at these selfsame points.
            I don't know there was some parts of the story which were to fantastical to the setting. I mean I have nothing against putting fantastic creatures whatever else you care to put in. However you do need to build up in the world of the novel that you create so that whatever improbable thing that you put in the work, does not jar your readers away from the text. The Young man's being able to hypnotize people, just did not fit into the world that the writer created for the reader. Although if I recall aright. Hawthorne pulls such another trick in The Scarlet Letter.
               Other problems I had with the book are, well, lets see. Did Hawthorne really have to spend an entire chapter  relishing the death of the evil Judge Pynchen. Not only did it get boring, I could not help think of a common villain's annoying monologue. Their other things that just do not make sense. I think the major reason this story turns out the way that it does is because the story is not plot driven or character driven. Rather it is driven by it's symbolism.  It made no sense in the context of the story why two of the main characters just up and decided to randomly travel on a train in the middle of a rainstorm right after the evil judge threatens them. It makes sense from a symbolic perspective (they are escaping from their past and now are rejoining the present) but from a common human action perspective, the whole thing is completely motiveless.
                But I still recommend reading it. I mean if only for to relish the complete and utter confusion you will experience trying to ascertain what is even going on and why is it going on?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Ash Wensday

              I feel so sleepy. I am not sure why it is just to early to go to bed.  I am reading american literature for a class. I must admit that this literature is usually well to be perfectly honest... a bit dull.   I mean Puritan literature is about as interesting as a sermon, because that is the only thing they seem to write. Now however I am getting into the American Revolution, which is about politics. Definetly more interesting but not something I am going to go out of my way to read. I mean at least by this point the English had developed some interesting things to say. Although I will admit to liking some american authors. I like Hawthorne and to a limited extent Poe Flannery O'Connor is also a good writer, and many of the lost generation writers are pretty good.
              Many good things have been developed in America but I am going to say literature is in general, well lacking. Although to be fair it is not America is that old and it is not like I have studied much  of the moderns.  Although I am not impressed by anything that I have read about American Literature that was written in the last seventeen years. I mean all four of those books really were very lame.
           I wonder if I am sleepy because I have not eaten enough today? Not that it matters I  deserve far worse then any of what I am suffering.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

pictures and yes I ramble

              Hello again, I have not written in my blog for about lets see...almost two months. Actually I've done worse come to think about it. But now I am planing to do better. Not sure why but hopefully I can do this. Anyway recently I have gotten interested in Japanese and Chinese artwork. I am trying to learn how to paint them with watercolours. Lets see now how do I attach pictures? Wow that was disgustingly simple. You'd think things like that would be more complicated. I mean it is a computer for pete's sakes. Something someone like me should not be able to just pick up and learn the basics of. I'd like to say I am not as stupid as I think, but considering the fact that computer programs are made so that idiots like me can learn how to use them.
           Wait how did I get on this subject again? Never mind.
                    Anyway I think that there is a  simple elegance in the style that I have to admire. It is something I would like to  at least learn to incorporate in my own style. We'll see.  I reeaaalllly should be going. If I had been smart I'd already have gone.